First wig recipient
DK, Cancer Patient
Thanks Karen and her whole staff for giving their time and support to make this transition from being a patient to becoming a survivor
Mary Ann, Cancer Patient
I have shoulder length natural curly brow hair with bangs & am desperately looking for a wig due to chemotherapy! Please help
Carol, Cancer Patient
It will be 10 years cancer-free on March 7th. I have lived through Radiation, some depression and still dealing with hair loss and alopecia. I am thankful for a very strong family, support system, family and friends. I could not have made this journey alone. I thank God most of all who has been my biggest strong Tower.
Sana, Cancer Patient
Hello team - thank you for all that you do to help those battling cancer. For brightening our days with hope and taking some worries away from our pains during this time. I'm a young patient suddenly diagnosed with bilateral Invasive breast cancer, underwent bilateral lumpectomy and double mastectomy surgeries with 7 lymph nodes removed and then weekly strong chemo. I'm appreciative of a care package and or prayers/positive thoughts. With sincere appreciation and gratitude.
Last Radiation Treatment
Last Chemo Treatment Ringing the Bell!!!!
Preview of Wig Gallery
Wig Recipient @ Hope in Action
Wig Recipients @ South Shore Culture Center
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